Basics of IV Administration

clock 1 Online Course CE Credits
books 5 Manual(s)/documents included with course
question-mark 8 test questions
dollar sign 45.00
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This course is meticulously designed to transform you into a competent, confident professional, well-versed in every aspect of this critical medical procedure. It provides the practical aspects of IV administration.

You will gain in-depth knowledge about the main types of equipment for IV solutions, including pumps, IV sets, vents, and clamps. This course will help you identify the right equipment and filters for blood or medications. Learn how to calculate flow rates, dosages, and medications accurately.

Understand gravity delivery methods, and master the intricacies of flow control and IV setup procedures with our step-by-step guidance. This program also emphasizes the importance of proper documentation for IV administration, instilling in you best practices to maintain transparency and accountability in your medical role.

Join us and enroll today!

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15304 Continuing Nursing Education also provided through Florida Board of Nursing, Provider # 50-1594 CNE status acceptable for all states within the USA
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