How to Create a Sterile Field

clock 1 Online Course CE Credits
books 2 Manual(s)/documents included with course
question-mark 5 test questions
dollar sign 45.00
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Ensuring patient safety during vascular access procedures requires the establishment of a sterile field as a crucial protective barrier against microorganism transfer. Our program highlights the importance of a sterile field in safeguarding patients and provides comprehensive step-by-step instructions for creating and maintaining a sterile field during vascular access preparation. By understanding the rationale behind maintaining a sterile field, participants will appreciate its significance in reducing the risk of infections and complications. Through clear and concise guidance, we empower clinicians with the knowledge and techniques to confidently establish a sterile field, optimizing patient safety during vascular access procedures. Join our program today to enhance your understanding of sterile field creation and contribute to a safer healthcare environment!

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider # CEP 15304 Continuing Nursing Education also provided through Florida Board of Nursing, Provider # 50-1594 CNE status acceptable for all states within the USA
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