IV Therapy Mastery COMPLETE Bundle



Get all 40 CEs required AND the Mastery Certificate in one convenient bundle. We’ve made it easy to ensure you have all the courses and certificate application to achieve this lifetime Mastery Certificate and become part of the Mastery Certificate Registry.

Although we offer the IV Mastery Just the Courses bundle for $499 and the IV Mastery Certificate for $145, we have now COMBINED the two for the most convenient and best value!

Courses included in Bundle

IV Mastery Certificate
The IV Therapy Mastery Certificate (IVTMC) provides demonstrable proof of knowledge, skills, and experience for defined areas within the scope of practice for the clinician performing peripheral intravenous therapies.
Complete Pathway Foundations of Vascular Access
The Foundations of Vascular Access section of courses provides the basic foundation for understanding intravenous treatment options for vascular access device selection and usage. Includes all 7 Courses in this pathway
Complete Pathway Essentials of Infection Prevention

This Infection Prevention Pathway includes a comprehensive series of courses designed to guide the clinician to a better understanding of guidelines and best practices they should incorporate into everyday patient care practices.

Includes all 10 courses in this pathway.

Complete Pathway Fundamentals of VAD Management
This fundamentals pathway covers evidence-based practices for securement, dressing changes, flushing, blood draws, use of needleless connectors, complications and best practice guidelines for all vascular access device management. Includes all 11 courses in this pathway.
Complete Pathway PIV Therapy
The IV Therapy pathway is specifically developed to enhance knowledge and proficiency in working with peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs). This pathway is designed to support the assessment, preparation, insertion, and management of PIVCs, ensuring greater understanding and success in this essential healthcare procedure. Includes all 12 courses in the pathway.
Beginner PICC Insertion Bundle
By completing these courses, learners can expect to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to perform PICC insertions effectively and confidently. Gain a solid understanding of the procedures involved, as well as the ability to utilize ultrasound technology for improved outcomes.



All Access Pass

  • Best Value!
  • All Access Pass
  • Over 80 Courses included
  • Avg $11 per Course
  • One Year Access